Homelessness no more? Minnesota leaders want to lick it for good by 2020
May 6, 2018
Leaders across Minnesota want to end homelessness by 2020, and they’ve come up with a seven-point plan to achieve that goal.
Homelessness in Minnesota has decreased 8 percent since 2014, when the state initially launched the plan Heading Home, according to the Minnesota Housing Agency. The most recent plan, Heading Home Together, aims to further that effort.
“We know how to end homelessness,” said Cathy ten Broeke, state director to prevent and end homelessness, in a prepared statement. “Despite this progress, many Minnesotans remain precariously housed in every corner of our state. This plan … gives us the opportunity to accelerate our progress.”
Forty-six organizations agreed to align their work over the next three years with the seven principles guiding the process.